Monday, November 23, 2020


 In Te Maunga we have been learning about measurement. One of the activities I did was called Shady Shadows. We had to measure the size of an object and we had to measure the size of an object and the size of the shadow of the same object. I learnt how to measure properly using a metre ruler. My favourite activity was growing in water. We each got a capsule and we had to measure the size and width of the capsule. Then we put the capsules in warm water and watched them grow. It was very satisfying watching them. I had fun learning about measurement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Learning about science.

 In Te Maunga this week, we had a visit from the Northland Science Roadshow. We learnt about rockets, water testing and spectroscopy. Our class got split into 3 groups. I was in group three and we were first to do the rockets. We used plastic bottles as rockets. I learnt about the amount of pressure you had to have in the bottle to make it go far. Next we did water testing. For water testing we used two chemicals called nitrate and ammonia. I learnt that if you put a different amount of the chemicals in water it changes color. We looked at the different types of water and they weren't drinkable. The last activity we did was spectroscopy. We got a box with a slit in it and a CD. We had to slide the CD into the slit in the box and it made the CD look like it had a perfect rainbow on it. I really liked doing science projects with the Northland Science Roadshow.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Playing Cricket

In Te Maunga we learnt how to play cricket. We got taught by a guy named Neil. I was very scared to do cricket because I thought I wouldn’t be good at it but it was really fun. I learnt how to hit the ball with a bat properly. After the warm up, we played SPEED cricket. It was really easy and fun. I hit the ball twice in speed cricket.

Monday, November 2, 2020


 In Te Maunga, we have been learning about poetry and how to write a poem. The things we learnt about were, adjectives, adverbs, similes and more. An adjective is a describing word. For example: harshest, shimmering, big. I enjoyed learning about poetry.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Cross Country

On September the 25th, we did something amazing… Cross country! Cross country was held at Bledisloe Domain. For my run I went round the field and up a hill. After running, I felt a bit tired. I ate something before running but surprisingly didn’t get a stitch! There were cakes and muffins and a sausage sizzle. I really enjoyed doing cross country.


Friday, October 23, 2020


 In Te Maunga we have been learning about geometry. I learnt about the difference between 3d and 2d shapes. The difference is, 2d shapes have length and width. 3d shapes have length, width and DEPTH. I could use a square and a cube for two examples. A square is a 2d shape and a cube is a 3d version of a square. An activity we did was a wanted poster.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Film making

 In Te Maunga we learnt about film making. I also learnt a bit about green screens and how to use them. My group didn’t use green screens but we were discussing it. I liked doing film making because it was really fun. Here is the LINK to my group's film.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Learning about probability

 Last month in Te Maunga, we did probability problems for a week. I learnt new vocabulary like patent and splurge. One of the games was called Way To Go and you had to flip a bottle cap to see if it was going to land on its side, happy face up or happy face down. I thought it would mostly land happy face down but I was wrong. That was my favourite game and I liked doing probability.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Maths Week

 A couple weeks ago was maths week! We did daily activities and the first 3 groups to finish the activity fastest got to choose between a small chocolate or a caught being good. Some other groups that worked hard also got to choose. The people in my group were Braeden and Scarlett and we won a prize for working hard. My favourite activity was called Heads Over Tails and we had to put all the coins that we had on tails and we had to try and get them to head only moving them three times. But we couldn’t move the same coin twice.

Monday, August 17, 2020


 A couple of days ago, a few other people and I learnt about how to be cybersmart. First our teacher read us a story about a chick who lived at a farm and used the farmers computer to buy things and talked to online friends. Then he went to meet his online friend and it was actually a wolf. We learnt that we need to make sure that when we take pictures that in the background there are no pictures of your house or your mailbox.